Findaloo - New Zealand

Find public toilets near you

Busting for a pee? Need to drop a deuce? Findaloo is a map of public toilets around New Zealand - maybe one day, the world.


All data is crowdsourced by users like you. If you know of a public toilet that isn't on the map, please feel free to sign up and add it.

All new users are moderated before they can add a new toilet.

We'll show you your location, public toilets around you and as much information about them as possible. Best of all, a handy button to get you there


Findaloo is free to use. If you would like to support the project, you can buy me a coffee

Findaloo does not store any of your data. All of your data is stored in a Supabase database.

When you sign up for Findaloo, you are signing up for a Supabase account. This is so that you can use the Supabase Authentication service to log in to Findaloo. Supabase will store your email address.

When you sign up using Google, you are signing up for a Supabase account. This is so that you can use the Supabase Authentication service to log in to Findaloo. Supabase will store your email address, Full Name and Avatar URL.